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Monday, December 22, 2008

Result keputusan cheng ji~

Result result result~~~

My result was ok..
But in the long run, I don’t think I can achieve such pointers again..
Because the course was getting harder & harder..
So in my calculation & expectation, my pointers will be dropping more & more..
But I will make sure it will go upper & upper..
I sot liao~

Actually, according to all the seniors, sem1 is the easiest semester, we were told to score the highest pointers that we can, yet recall back my pointers now. It was so frustrating.

Im going back to uni next week..
Im planning to cancel my “ponteng plan” for next week..
Im setting a new target..hehe…

Yeah!yeah! yeah!


  1. work harder lo!!

    ya..better dun ponteng la..haha...altho u wil be alone but is important to go to lecture mah~~otherwise miss out some important things lo..

  2. wei.. hows ur pointer?? heheehe.. tia tau pula sy ko ada blog.. sy suda linked ko.. paham2 la.. hehehehe
